
Outpatient behavioral health services are offered at two convenient locations for ag亚游官网 and Alameda County residents: Highland Hospital Campus in Oakland for residents in the north part of the county and Fairmont Hospital Campus in San Leandro for residents in the south and east part of the county.

提供的服务包括部分住院计划, 密集的门诊 Program and the 门诊行为健康服务 Clinic Program.


Our 部分住院 Program 服务 (PHP) offer comprehensive treatment during the day, which allows people to live 在家里 and engage in treatment during the day.


  • 病人 transitioning from a residential or inpatient hospital level of care
  • 病人 experiencing moderate to severe psychiatric symptoms and at risk of hospitalization
  • 病人 requiring more care than standard outpatient weekly treatment

PHP项目鼓励家庭参与治疗计划. 家庭治疗可根据指示或要求提供. 我们为18岁及以上的成年人提供这个项目.

病人 participate in structured treatment five days a week (Monday – Friday) between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, 一到四周. 提供午餐.


  • 通过提供“降级”PHP护理减少/避免住院时间
  • 在家中接受治疗
  • 每周用药监督管理
  • 减轻急性症状,改善功能
  • 学习积极的症状管理/功能技能
  • 提高对精神疾病及其管理的认识
  • 协调住院后重返社区
  • 防止失偿和/或再次住院
  • 减少社会孤立
  • 学习预防复发的技巧
  • 保持与家庭和社区的重要联系
  • Promotes safe and effective recovery from an episode of psychiatric illness

如需安排评估,请致电 1-510-535-7776 在郡的北部和 1-510-895-4369 在县的南部.


密集的门诊 Programs (IOP) provides a不her step in the continuum of care. 病人 may enter this level of care directly or as a step down from partial hospitalization or inpatient treatment. This program benefits adults who have psychiatric symptoms but are able to manage daily life in the community.

We offer this program for two age groups, adults 18-55, and adults 55 and older. 这取决于他们的人生阶段, 人们有不同的需求, 强调, 和责任, and typically feel more comfortable interacting with those close to their age during group therapy.


  • 病人 transitioning from a residential or inpatient hospital level of care
  • 病人 requiring more care than standard outpatient weekly treatment


  • 通过早期干预避免需要PHP或医院服务
  • 在家中接受治疗
  • 发展维持社区生活的应对技巧
  • Understanding and accepting your medical and/or psychiatric diagnosis
  • 药物副作用的管理
  • 学习解决问题和处理冲突的技巧
  • 提高生活技能和日常生活活动
  • 减少社会孤立,提高应对技能
  • 改进老化过程的调整和验收


  • 多学科评估
  • 个体化治疗和出院计划
  • 团体治疗和心理教育团体, 包括压力管理, 用药教育, 恢复技能
  • 协助重新融入社区、工作和家庭生活


  • Coordination of care with outpatient medical providers for patients with complex medical needs

病人 attend one to three structured treatment sessions each week (Monday-Friday) for four to 12 weeks. Sessions last for four hours and are scheduled between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. 提供午餐.

如需安排评估,请致电 1-510-535-7776 在郡的北部和 1-510-895-4369 在县的南部.


The Outpatient Behavioral Health Service Clinic (OBHSC) Program is designed for adults, 老年人, adolescents and children with mild to moderate mental health problems in at least one area of daily life. 例如, psychological/psychiatric symptoms that interfere with social or vocational or familial or academic or occupational or emotional functioning.

病人 receiving these services are able to safely maintain themselves in the community with once or twice a week contact and support from a mental health professional and are motivated to attend services and engage in treatment. OBHSC级别的护理是为那些 对自己或他人的危险.

我们能够治疗各种各样的精神疾病, eg, 抑郁症, 双相情感障碍, 创伤和创伤后应激障碍, 思想障碍, 焦虑, 人格障碍, 多动症和发育障碍, 药物滥用和同时发生的疾病, 育儿/家庭/情侣的问题, mental health issues associated with medical illness and mental health issues associated with aging.

The OBHSC program acts as the first line of evaluation, intervention and support for:

  1. Persons first experiencing mental illness symptoms, eg, thought disorder or mood disorder
  2. 精神疾病复发或
  3. Needing a lower level of care after a course of day-treatment or an episode of hospitalization.

Our staff of licensed professionals and doctors provide a supportive and compassionate, culturally sensitive environment where the latest advances in evidence-based mental health outpatient treatment helps patients develop the tools to cope successfully.

The OBHSC program focuses on assisting people at improving symptom management, coping and problem solving skills that will allow them to continue to be successful in the community, ie, 在家里, 在工作中, 在学校和家人.


  1. 个人心理治疗每周进行一到两次
  2. Weekly short-term group psychotherapy and psycho-education, if indicated
  3. 如有需要,正在进行精神病咨询/评估
  4. 药物评估/管理,在指征和
  5. 心理/社会/学术评估.


  • Stabilize problematic symptoms after an exacerbation so that a higher level of care is 不 needed
  • 提供持续的评估, support and structure to prevent symptoms from interfering with life goals
  • Keep symptoms under control while maintaining continued independent participation in daily life
  • Promote mental health wellness skills and behaviors to support self-reliance and promote resilience and

协助与社区服务的持续联系, 卫生保健, 财政和交通资源


  • Improved understanding of mental illness/wellness and its management
  • 获得有关心理健康的最新信息和教育
  • 学习积极的症状管理,应对和自我护理技能
  • 不要让问题和症状变得不堪重负
  • 避免干扰工作、学习或家庭生活
  • 每月进行用药监督和管理(如有需要)

An individualized treatment plan is developed for each participant to address their psychiatric, 心理和社会/家庭需求. 综合治疗方案包括:

  • Complete medication, psychiatric, psychological, social/family evaluation
  • 每周个人心理治疗
  • 每周团体心理治疗(如有需要)
  • 每月家庭治疗(如有需要)
  • 每月用药管理(如有需要)
  • 社区资源需求评估和协调

如需安排评估,请致电 1-510-535-7776 在郡的北部和 1-510-895-4369 在县的南部.


We provide transportation and can also arrange rides through Lyft to and from the programs for people participating in our hospital-based PHP and IOP programs.


治疗时间长短, 从几周到几个月甚至更长时间不等, depends on the individual’s completion of treatment plan goals and insurance authorization. Our PHP and IOP programs are covered by Kaiser, private insurance and Medicare. Many supplemental insurance policies, including Medi-Cal, provide secondary insurance coverage.


We welcome referrals from physicians, families, healthcare professionals, agencies, or self-referral.